Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Exterior Restoration Ideas - Preparing Your Heritage Home to be Sold

If you are selling an older home, it could be billed as an older house in need of some TLC or it could be billed as a heritage property with retained character and charm. Which one do you think will fetch a better offer? Read on for some ideas for exterior refurbishment areas and preparing your heritage home to be sold.

Exterior Building Refurbishment

Getting a professional survey by a skilled refurbishment company can help you determine which exterior refurbishment areas should be addressed before selling your home. You want everything in a good state of repair and you want to do things that will appeal to prospective buyers, too. Recommended renovation areas could include concrete repair, painting, cleaning, glazing, door restoration, windows refurbishments, roof refurbishments, and other renovation areas, too.

It might sound like a tall order, both from an organisational standpoint and from a cost perspective but dealing with the right company could make everything simpler and the right approach could result in a tidy profit for you when the sale happens.

Windows Refurbishment – Important for Your Home’s Appeal

A popular selling point on a newer home is that it has newer windows. But on a heritage home, having original windows is important. Window refurbishment could not only help with the look and feel of the building but it could also give you the ability to list this as a feature of the home because not only are the windows good-looking but refurbished windows can function better as well from an energy efficiency perspective. Homes with restored windows won’t lose as much heat and won’t feel drafty and this is something many homebuyers consider when looking at their options.

Roofing Refurbishment – It’s a Big Deal!

The roof does make an impact on the aesthetic appeal of the home and if it’s an older home, roofing refurbishment might be necessary. You might need to remove asbestos. You might want to replace some tiles. A good roof can help to instil confidence in a prospective buyer about the soundness of your home as an investment. Roof refurbishment is something to seriously consider.

Landscaping – Boost Curb Appeal

Landscaping is important, as well. If your home’s grounds are well maintained, this makes a big impact on potential buyers. Do be aware that there may be restrictions on whether or not you can remove trees but regardless of what you have to work with, a big of effort can help you make a good impression with the gardens.

The interior of the house should be staged appropriately for showing as well, of course, but keep in mind that remembering to also focus on the exterior of your house is what will often draw initial attention from people who see your “For Sale” sign and that curb appeal can help you increase the chances of selling your home as fast as possible and for as high a price as possible, too.

Tip: If your home is in a conservation area, you may need planning consent before you make changes. Be sure to work with a refurbishment specialist with a solid track record in windows, roofing, and other exterior restoration areas to ensure legislation is adhered to.

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